a Member
The Mill Creek Hunt Club has operated for over a century through the generosity and good graces of it’s Masters, members, and supporters. In order for the club to provide the sport of fox hunting for future generations, we all need to be ambassadors for the sport and the club. Become a member today and invite friend to become a member too!
to fill out a membership form
to download our waiver
to download our No Drama Agreement
for upcoming events.
for a 2023 Fixture Card
Code Of Conduct
A. Riders must be familiar with fox hunting etiquette and traditions and demonstrate respect for all involved in the hunt (landowners, local residents, staff, fellow members, guests) and attend to the well-being of the horses and hounds at all times. If unsure, ask for assistance or advice from a senior member while in the hunt field, or for literature once back in the clubhouse.
B. All MCH members are ambassadors of the club and of the sport of Fox Hunting. They should be kind, patient, pleasant, and helpful at all times, and present the club and its participants in a positive manner.
C. Hunts move-off at the specified time. Riders are required to be mounted and ready 15 minutes ahead of move-off time as to not disrupt the hounds or other riders.
D. Requests of those riding in the field by Field Masters are intended for the safety and enjoyment of all riders. Their requests or directives must be adhered to without challenge. Failure to do so may result in being excused from the field.
All members, riding and social, are obligated to satisfy any outstanding financial obligations to Mill Creek Hunt, including any outstanding debt from prior years, by their first mounted activity or Social event in 2023 in order to maintain good standing with Mill Creek Hunt and to be allowed to continue hunting and participating in activities after said date.
Mill Creek Hunt Club